English Department-Unsil,Tasikmalaya. EDSA FKIP Unsil has held EDSA’s English Contest 2011 for 3 days from Monday, 21st of March 2011 until 23rd of March 2011. This event was followed by 123 participants from 23 schools in East Priangan region and 18 students from colleges in east priangan region.
In the first day while opening ceremony, The Mayor of Tasikmalaya city presented for giving welcoming speech. He said that English must be learned in a variety ways either in school or campus. It shown to us that this evebnt is one of the ways to motivate students in learning English. Besides that, EEC2011 was opened by The 3rd Vice Rector Siliwangi University.
EEC2011 was different with EEC2010 due to that this event consisted of English Debating, English Quiz, and Reading News, whereas Reading News contest is the new contest in EEC2011. So, of Course one of the representative of STIE, Nursalim Rido stated that he was very proud, there is English Contest for college students, it can be the motivation for making the movement in English language aspect.
In the end of EEC2011 resulted the winners of each content, such are:
1. English Debating Contest:
SMAN 1 Garut A (The 1 st winner)
SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya A (The 2nd winner)
Best Speaker: Ummery Lathifa
2. English Quiz Contest:
SMA Al-Muttaqin (The 1st winner)
SMAN 6 Garut (The 2nd winner)
SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya (The 3rd winner)
3. Reading News
Astri Komala Putri (Siliwangi University)
Rika (STIE Lathifah Mubarokiyah)
Those are the winners of EEC2011 which was sponsored by Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tasikmalaya, Pangsa Raya, Telkomsel, Radar Tasikmalaya , and Entrance Magazine.
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