Dear the 1st Grade students,
You are supposed to attend the Advisory (Perwalian) on 24th of August 2011 (Tomorrow) at 7 AM in front of EDSA Headquarter. IMPORTANT!
Dear The 1st Grade students,
On Monday, 22nd of August 2011 at 8 AM, you are invited to come to in front of EDSA for joining Mentoring. It is important for you.
It becomes the usual activity in every year, the new students who submit Siliwangi University must follow the event which introduces the university. The name of this event is P2SPT (Program Pengenalan Studi Perguruan Tinggi). It has been held on 18th of August 2011- 20th of August 2011.
English Department Students' Association held this event on August, 19th-20th 2011. The number of participants are about more than 250 students. This Event which was led by Feri Defiana, one of the EDSA's organizer of Sub-Div. Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa, with the secretary Ai Setialis, could be done well. as the chairman said that this event is the great event and the useful event for the new students knowing their new situation as a university student.
The activities of P2SPT in English Department were "Training for Looking at the future for the new students, The Lecture "Organization Map" for the new students, The Lecture "How to be a character student", The Introduction of EDSA, ENTRANCE, demissioner of EDSA, and alumnus of English Department.
Hopefully, this event could give the advantages for the new students.
Do you want to get scholarship?
Well, Beswan Djarum provides the scholarship for you all.
Persyaratan untuk menjadi penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus
Sedang menempuh Tingkat Pendidikan S1 (Strata 1) dari semua disiplin ilmu.
Memasuki semester V dengan IPK minimum 3.00 pada semester IV.
Aktif mengikuti kegiatan organisasi baik didalam maupun diluar Kampus.
Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
Mengisi Form Pendaftaran Djarum Beasiswa Plus, yang dapat di dowload disini atau mengambil di Bagian Kemahasiswaan di Kampus masing-masing, atau ke EDSA.
Fotocopy Kartu Hasil Studi Semester IV.
Fotocopy sertifikat kegiatan organisasi/surat keterangan aktif berorganisasi.
Surat keterangan dari Kampus tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
Satu lembar foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna memakai jas almamater.
Mengikuti psikotes.
Membuat tulisan singkat.
Persyaratan dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 20 Agustus 2011 untuk di dalam kampus.(Kolektif).
PKM is one of the programs of DIKTI to increase the students' creativity. it is defined that we can devote to our environment, to build the entrepreneurship, and the science knowledge. As the students' organization (EDSA), we give you some information about it.
To join this program, we offer you to make a proposal (minimum 1 class, 1 proposal). Furthermore, we wait your proposal until August 14th, 2011. Don't forget, if your proposal has been accepted, you will be given fund IDR 10 M from Dikti to realize your project on your proposal. So, don't miss it!
For the guideline, you may Download Here
But, you must have yahoo account at first, log in to your account, and join to edsafkip_unsil yahoo groups.
Contact Person : Anggiawan Nugraha (085223294933)
Arief Nugraha (08997701867)
Siti Sarah Iskandar (085793725904)
Friday, June 17, 2011, as usual ADM (Administration Division) holds regular meeting every Friday afternoon. The content generally discussed is about the facilities and infrastructure that exist in EDSA, then about specific work program whether short term or long term. Activity recently undertaken was SOP ( Standart Operating Procedures) regarding correspondence with DIKSATRASIA ( Education Literature and Indonesia) to equate perception and share insight. Next, the result of the sharing, it must be shared to the other members of EDSA, but it does not preclude whoever wants to know about it. Just join with us!!
hoping all of our activities can be useful for the people. :-)
Recently, English Department Students' Association created the community of English Department's Debater. Its name is CEEDS-UNSIL (Community of EDSA's English Debating Society-UNSIL). It is created because of the aims to make students capable in speaking English and critically in thinking something.
This Community has 2 routine programs. Those are Internal Practice, and External Practice then we call JEDP. So, what is internal practice and external practice?
Internal Practice is the routine practice for Internal (English Department students) only that we do every Saturday at 14.30. Besides, external practice then called JEDP (Joint English Debate Practicing) is not only for English Department students, but also for the others from another majors, faculties, and colleges.
Time for JEDP: Every Sunday at 10 AM (Once two weeks), it has been started on 29th of May 2011. The next Practice will be held on 12th of June 2011.
So, are you interested in mastering English Debate?
Join with us, discover your knowledge and share it with us!
Be a Critical thinker!
Register your self soon! It will be opened until 11th of June 2011!
You may register directly at EDSA's Secretariat to get the registration form, or you may download it here!
After you download the registration form, you should give it to EDSA's Secretariat! DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM
ELT stands for EDSA's Leadership Training for all English Department Students, especially the 1st grade. This event has theme "To Train the cadre of Students as an Equitable Leader". By its theme, we hope this event can create the Equitable leader who has good integrity, high responsibility, loyalism, and social respect.
The differences of this program in 2011 are its event will be integrated with Screening in which this event is a recruitment for becoming EDSA's Organizer 2011/2012. In the other word, ELT will be a requirement for whoever joining Screening.
ELT itself will be held on Saturday, May, 7th 2011 at 6.30- 17.00 (Place: Serbaguna Building), and Screening will be held on Sunday, 8th of May 2011 at 07.00- 14.00 (Place: RKU B1-B4)
The Requirements For ELT:
1. Ropes Rapia @ 2 rolls (2 colors) = per group
2. Peg @ 4 pieces (50 cm) = per group
3. Prayer Tools
4. Snack Foods
5. Stationery: book, pen, etc.
6. Name tags own creations (pink)
Nama :
Nama kelompok :
7. Dress Code:
a. Black and white clothing + coats alma mater, using black shoes, and specifically for the princess wore a black veil
b. Apparel Training (supervisor: FS blue shirt, subordinates: training / trousers)
* Color, Freestyle
The Requirements of Screening
1.Application Letter (Hand Written)
2.Curriculum Vitae (typed)
3. Photocopy of the last transcript (1)
4. Official Photos 3x4 (1)
5. All certificates / evidence of organization or charter which had been attended, the award, and the other evidence of achievement.
Nb: Each Class is supposed to send min. 10 persons, and max. 15 persons.
On Sunday, 1st of May 2011, to make EDSA be better than before, we have cleaned up the room together for becoming it comfortable. This activity has been done by the organizer of EDSA. Wish it can get up the organizers to work well as possible we can for serving all English department students in which what they wish to EDSA.
This division has functions to conduct all activities relating to student affair either internally or externally. The activity which is done by this division consists of two kind activities. Those are the activity relating to educational aspect and students' welfare. It's realized by doing the activity, such as giving service to the students in lectures mentoring, field study which is recreative.
The Kinds of Annually Program:
1. ELT
2. Screening
3. P2SPT
4. P2KM
5. Field Study
6. Edsa's English Contest
7. Entrance Magazine
8. Wall Magazine
The Kinds of Weekly Program:
1. Debating Practicing (Organized by CEEDS)
2. Discussion
On 21st of April 2011, EDSA as one of the students' organization in FKIP UNSIL has launched the social networking website. Its SNW named "Edsa's Network" which is destined for all students, lecturers and alumnus of English Department FKIP Unsil.
By the Existence of this SNW which is in harmony with its purposes to tighten the relationship between EDSA's society, hopefully it functions well. Not only functioning as making relationship, but we can share knowledge, and all about our field in English as Foreign Language.
In addition to, by this network will accommodate some aspiration to make EDSA be better than before.
Here, the SNW of EDSA
English Department-Unsil,Tasikmalaya. EDSA FKIP Unsil has held EDSA’s English Contest 2011 for 3 days from Monday, 21st of March 2011 until 23rd of March 2011. This event was followed by 123 participants from 23 schools in East Priangan region and 18 students from colleges in east priangan region.
In the first day while opening ceremony, The Mayor of Tasikmalaya city presented for giving welcoming speech. He said that English must be learned in a variety ways either in school or campus. It shown to us that this evebnt is one of the ways to motivate students in learning English. Besides that, EEC2011 was opened by The 3rd Vice Rector Siliwangi University.
EEC2011 was different with EEC2010 due to that this event consisted of English Debating, English Quiz, and Reading News, whereas Reading News contest is the new contest in EEC2011. So, of Course one of the representative of STIE, Nursalim Rido stated that he was very proud, there is English Contest for college students, it can be the motivation for making the movement in English language aspect.
In the end of EEC2011 resulted the winners of each content, such are:
1. English Debating Contest:
SMAN 1 Garut A (The 1 st winner)
SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya A (The 2nd winner)
Best Speaker: Ummery Lathifa
2. English Quiz Contest:
SMA Al-Muttaqin (The 1st winner)
SMAN 6 Garut (The 2nd winner)
SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya (The 3rd winner)
3. Reading News
Astri Komala Putri (Siliwangi University)
Rika (STIE Lathifah Mubarokiyah)
Those are the winners of EEC2011 which was sponsored by Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tasikmalaya, Pangsa Raya, Telkomsel, Radar Tasikmalaya , and Entrance Magazine.