Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Launched Motions of EDC 2012


Preliminary Round
1.    THW ban the advertising of alcohol
2.    THBT Rich countries should not give money to poor countries
3.    THBT parents should be allowed to teach their children at home
4.    THW put limitation on horror film
5.    TH should support the censorship of SNWs
6.    TH should limit the subsidized fuel
7.    THW stop student to wear uniform
8.    THW allow free distribution of music on the internet
9.    THBT we should ban celebrities from participating in political campaigns
10.    THW support capital punishment for drug dealers and users
11.    THW stop commercialization on education
12.    THW apply mandatory military service
13.    THW support Indonesia’s government to apply English as second language
14.    THBT the use of electronic ticket for the electric train is useless
Quarter Final
15.    THW continue Indonesia’s plan of nuclear power installment
16.    THW not support the changing of the budget agency chair
17.    THW propose the objection to USA incase of the refusing of Indonesia’s oil palm
18.    TH should support the conversion of fuel oil to fuel gas
19.    THBT we should support military intervention in Somalia
Semi Final
20.    THBT all states have a right to nuclear weapon
21.    THBT The 1st world countries are the causes of global warming
22.    THW support Indonesia to stop sending woman labors to Saudi Arabia
23.    THBT EU should not impose the embargo sanction of importing the oil by Iran because of its nuclear    development

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